Monday, September 27, 2010

New Home, Same Stuff.

Welcome to The Naptime Report! I've decided to move my blog to this address, where I'll be super-careful to keep our identity a little more private. Most of you know our family personally, but I feel better keeping things on the internets a little more protected.

I decided not to do a private blog, mostly because I hardly ever read private blogs. I'm really just too lazy to actually have to click one more thing. How sad is that?!?

After checking into the analytical information on my old blog, I realized that I have more readers than I thought. In places that I'm sure I don't know anyone. I'm sure I'll lose most of them with this move, but at least this way I won't be as worried about hooded-man-coming-to-steal-us-in-the-night. Don't get me wrong, it thrills me that strangers find my life interesting. I also do my fair share of blog-stalking. I just feel better about it this way.

Sooo....welcome to the Naptime Report! Make sure you update your blog rolls and Google Reader pages!

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