Monday, October 4, 2010

A Green Face-Clean

The Sunbean isn't exactly a 'clean' eater.  She's not a total maniac, but her face needs a good rub-down after meals.  We used to use baby wipes, but then we completely stopped using disposable products (with the exception of toilet paper).

We started using dish cloths for kitchen cleaning rather than those disposable rag-in-a-box things.  I got white cloths, so I can just bleach them and they look good as new.  So we had two cloths going each day:  counter-cleaning and face-cleaning.  Problem was, they looked exactly alike.

I'm pretty neurotic, so I had a fantastic system where I would keep the counter one draped over the front of the sink and the face one draped over the side of the sink.  Worked fine for me, but if anyone was ever helping me, especially with the Sunbean, I was always freaked they'd use the wrong cloth.
Enter the brown terrycloth:

I got the brilliant idea to just make up some little terrycloth squares to use specifically for Sunbean face-cleaning.  It took less than 20 minutes with a simple rolled hem on the serger, and now we have two different types of cloths in two different colors.

I love it because we're not being wasteful, yet I can rest easy that the kitchen-counter-germs are not being spread all over Sunbean's face.  Gag.


  1. you're a genius,abbey - different colored cloths to tell them apart. what will you think of next? :)

  2. I am soooo glad there is someone else besides me and my mom who believe wiping your kids' face with the dishcloth is disgusting. I have blue washcloths for face washing, but because I don't have a place to put them in our tiny apt kitchen, if I am not there my husband just grabs a dish cloth. At least now he will at least grab a clean one out of the drawer. At my in-laws I have to watch like a hawk because the just use the dish cloth all the time. Great idea you have. I am going to figure out a way to get those washcloths stored in the kitchen.

  3. awesome idea! what do you use for bacon grease or mechanical stuff in the garage? aside from TP, those are what we still use disposable products for.

  4. Anna - I don't cook meat, so grease is never a problem. We have 'garage rags' for the garage stuff. I run them through two cycles in the washer and have never had a problem.
