Monday, October 18, 2010

It's Soup!

That's what my dad always said when he made's soup!  Anyone else grow up with hillbilly lingo like this?

Anyway, if you're a regular reader of this blog (and the old one), you know that we've undergone a massive transformation in the food department.  I get tons of questions about our food choices, so I've decided to do a series of posts about it.  Here's a basic time line to give you an idea of how this revolution came about.  I'll be doing detailed posts about different topics over the next month or so.
  1. I watch Food, Inc and start to research the topics in the documentary.
  2. We make the choice to eat only grass-fed and locally-processed meats.
  3. I sign up for an organic CSA (a programs that allows you to buy a share of a farm and get fresh produce for 20 weeks in the growing season).
  4. I continue my research and decide to 'experiment' with vegetarianism.
  5. I like it.  I decide to cut meat out of my diet, but not all animal products (i.e.:  I still drink milk and eat cheese and eggs, etc).
  6. I learn about the dangers of soy, and strictly limit the soy I consume, and, especially, the soy the Sunbean consumes.  Soy is really bad for females, particularly young ones.
  7. I learn about corn and start limiting processed corn products, which, by the way, is everything.
  8. I continue to learn more and more about the nutritional needs of my family...
So that's how it happened.  Step-by-step, and I'm sure we're not done yet.  I plan to write a more detailed post about lots of things, including:
  • Meat Production
  • Grass-Fed vs. Corn-Fed Cows
  • Vegetarianism
  • Soy
  • Corn
  • Organic on a Budget
  • Keeping Non-Vegetarian Husbands Happy
  • How (and Where) to Start
If you've known me for a long time, you know I grew up a card-carrying member of the 4-H.  I'm a farm girl at heart, and I know lots and lots of 'big business' farmers.  I know some of them read this, and I'd just like to say that these are the choices that are right for our family.  These are the choices that I think are right for the health of our country.  I have the utmost respect for your profession, I just think it has taken some dangerous turns in the past 20 years.

Stay tuned for some food-ish posts!

I am, of course, no expert.  I'm not a nutritionist, or a dietitian, or a doctor.  I can't recommend what your family does or doesn't do, but I can tell you what keeps us happy and healthy.


  1. So you're giving up Clif bars?!

    That's quite a series to look forward too!

  2. Clif bars are soy isn't as bad. :)
