Thursday, October 28, 2010

Let's Discuss: Prenatal Testing

So, when I'm pregnant, I like to read birth boards.  I love to hear what other expecting moms are up to and what they are experiencing.  The big 'buzz' right now is the 12-week NT scan, which can detect Down's Syndrome, among other problems, I believe.

This is the first I've heard of this scan, so I'm guessing it wasn't around or wasn't popular when I was preggo with the Sunbean.  That was forever ago.  You know, 3 years.  Anyway, they do an ultrasound and measure the neck folds to see if the baby is at higher risk.  From there, they'll do bloodwork or more invasive tests, like an amniocentesis.

My OB hasn't mentioned it, so I'm guessing it isn't offered at my office.  Or maybe we'll be doing it at my 12-week visit and I'm clueless.  I guess it has to be done before the 14th week begins.  Either way is fine with me.

On the birth board tonight, a woman had an NT scan today that showed an increased risk of Down's Syndrome.  Pending the results of her bloodwork and amnio, she's planning to abort.  I was floored.

Here's my opinion.  I am all about getting as much prenatal screening and testing as possible.  Whatever is logical, I will do.  I live to be prepared, and so I'd want to read every book ever written on Down's Syndrome if my child were at a high risk of having Down's Syndrome.  I'd have specialists and therapists researched and a plan and a strategy and dang it, I'd be as mentally prepared as possible.

But.  I would not, not, not choose to end my child's life based on a test result.  It makes my stomach turn to think of it.  While I think having a child with special needs (of any sort) would be an intense trial, I would never choose an abortion.  It just isn't me.  Based on my religious beliefs, I know that children with special needs on Earth will go on to inherit our Father's kingdom.  We believe that these 'special needs' are actually blessings that protect these children from the craziness of this world.  Being a parent to these children is certainly a challenge, but even more certainly, a blessing.  I look at it this way:  if Heavenly Father chose for me to become pregnant with this child, then He will provide a way for me to deal.  He has a plan.  I don't always know the details.

So, I love the prenatal screenings for the plan-ahead, be-prepared aspects, but abortion would never be an option for me.

What do you guys think?  Are you a fan of the screenings?  Why or why not?  I know my religious beliefs are a big factor in my opinion.  How about you?

Let's discuss.


  1. Totally against abortion. We had a small situation with Ella when pregnant. Long story cut extremely short, The hospital offered to support an abortion if that was the road we chose to take. I always "decline" the DS screening. Knowing if the child has DS isn't going to make me love them any less. The Lord knows what we are able to handle & everything. All children are different & special in their own ways. Family & close friends are always there to help when in need.

  2. Honestly, I only had the DS screening done so I could get another ultrasound :) I knew I didn't have a lot to worry about since I'm still pretty young.

    I'm actually pro-choice; however, I, myself, would never get an abortion. Couldn't do it. At one point I never knew what I would do when faced with a certain situation. When I found out about my pregnancy with David, it was the WORST time for us to get pregnant, but I knew I could never abort him. Things were going to be tough, but I accepted it.

    For others though, I figure that if they are too selfish to not have the perfect baby, they probably shouldn't be parents anyway. I know that is a life that is taken, but which is worse? Taking that life in the beginning or putting a child through years of hell with a selfish parent and have the risk of getting abused or neglected?

    I feel like I might have opened a can of worms...

  3. I am 31 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child and I have opted out of the screenings both times. My thoughts have been if there was a risk for something I wouldn not abort the baby so why do I need to know? I also felt like if I did know it would make my pregnancy more stressful and that would not help the baby. I figure God has a plan for that baby and for me so I'll just trust Him. Easier said than done I know.

  4. As a sibling to a child with Downs, I can honestly say that I wouldn't be the person I am now if my mother had made the decision to abort. My brother has molded me, he is my hero.

  5. I will say that I am biased since I have a niece with Down's Syndrome and I am a music therapist and absolutely love my clients with Down's... But I don't think having Down's is such a big deal nowadays. There are so many resources out there and the outcome that some of these people have are amazing! Some of them live totally normal lives! It's sad that someone wouldn't choose to give their child a chance to succeed at life.

    My doctor found some bright spots on Vivi's heart when she was in utero and sent to me to have in depth ultrasounds. Apparently bright spots might be an indicator of Down's Syndrome. I think she expected me to be frantic and upset about these ultrasounds. Truth be told, I couldn't have been calmer. I honestly would count it as a blessing to have a child with special needs.

    On another note, I know a family who decided to have children later in life and were extremely afraid of Down's Syndrome. Let's just say they went through extreme and unusual measures to make sure that didn't happen. Now they have twin boys with Autism. Hmmmm....

    OK, this was a long comment.

  6. I am a big fan of non-invasive genetic testing, like the NT. Being someone with a disability myself, I could never choose to abort (though the church does allow abortion if it's guaranteed the child would die soon after birth and if I was faced with that situation, of the child being in intense pain for a short amount of time, I'm not sure what we would do).

    My reasoning with getting the NT (I had it done with M. too, but he's a bit younger than Sunbean) is that if I knew my child was at an increased risk of having Downs or Trisomy 18 (it might cover Trisomy 13 too? I forget), I'd want to have the rest of the pregnancy to prepare. I don't think you can have too much knowledge when it comes to preparing to welcome a child with special needs into your family. However, I have declined any invasive testing, like amnio, because I want this baby too much to take the risk of miscarriage or injury to the baby from those tests.

    It's also important to know there is a decent false positive rate with the NT (I forget how much). That's another reason some families choose not to do it.

  7. My original reply was longer than your post, so to summarize:

    What about adoption?

    More testing is available now because the ACOG changed their policies in January 2007.

    I don't want perfect/designer babies. I don't do extra testing. Routine ultrasound (no peaking at gender either) and regular blood work are enough for me.

    Remember, not all "defects" are visible, what we do or don't do for our children will affect them on a level that can't be quantified on a blood test or ultrasound.

  8. I am against doing the amniocentesis test to discover if the child has down sydrome. my biggest reason? My OB told me that the test has a 90% fail rate. Why would a test with a 90% fail rate still be used? She said it was cheaper for insurance compamties, so they keep the test around. It's not worth the risks to me to find out. I will keep/love the baby all the same, so I'd just rather not put the baby in harms way. Would it be nice to prepare beforehand? Of Course, but who's to say the test comes out correctly?

  9. I'm against most testing, for me personally. I like an ultra sound so I can have a wardrobe prepared, but that's about it.

  10. For me the testing is a nice thing but how accurate is it really? I would never abort either. I think women should have options but abortion seems extreme. I have a friend here who decided to not get the testing done and has a DS baby. She is a bright light at church. Her blog is linked on mine Esther and family if you want to check it out...she even has a reflection on when she found out. Very inlightening. On another note I was floored when moms on those blogs thought I was mean when I said we would have our son curcumsied(sp)...some of those moms can have some strange veiws! Keep that in mind...
