Thursday, November 11, 2010

Calling All Photogs

I need your help.
See, when the Sunbean starting crawling (at 10 months....please oh please let this baby be as easy as her), we invested in a Cannon Rebel so we could get better pics.  We had a decent digital camera before, but it wasn't cutting it.

We seriously love this camera.  However, I've been shooting in the preset modes pretty much since we got it.  They're good, but they're also like training wheels.

I really want to stop taking the Sunbean to get her pics taken, and so I ghetto-fied this white background.  I'll post about how I did it, since it works and it was $6.

Anyway, I've been practicing with some of my camera's features and the manual modes, and the above shot is from a practice shoot on Sunday.  That explains the not-matching flower and the chocolate milk mustache.  It came straight from the camera, so I was pretty happy about that.

So I'm wondering if you guys have any fantastic camera books or photography blogs for me.  I've read the owner's manual a few times, but it's not written in my language.  I know I have some readers who are photography buffs, so hit me up with some tips.

If you don't, we might have picture-less Christmas cards this year.  That would be a tragedy. 


  1. Ohmigosh. I have so many things to tell you!!

    First, run (don't walk) to go get the book "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson. This is a MUST read. Make sure you get the third edition.

    Second, do you have Photoshop? If you do, you should learn a little about actions. There are tons of free ones out there. I would recommend going to the Pioneer Woman's blog and downloading her action sets. She has some really good ones.

    Third, check your Facebook inbox. I wrote you an email about something else.

  2. Peterson's Understanding Exposure is a great read and very helpful for figuring out how to move away from the preset modes. I tend to shoot mostly in Av (aperture priority) mode, get more control w/o going full manual. Works nicely.

    As for blogs, Digital Photography School is pretty great (don't have the link and am on my itouch but if you search on google it'll come up). You can search for posts on figuring out settings, and they also have several with tips on taking pictures of kids.

    Have fun! =)

  3. Not a pro by any means... BUT that pic is super cute :o)

    I'm giving away holiday cards at my blog... Come on over and enter!
