Thursday, December 9, 2010

on my mind

this body needs protein.  i even considered coming out of vegetarian-ism for the duration of this pregnancy.  then i threw up, thinking about eating meat.  scratch that.  instead, i found a great peanut butter smoothie recipe and ate a double-egg sammy.  6.5 ounces of protein per day is a challenge.  a girl can only have so many beans.

i'm nearly finished christmas shopping.  and when i say 'nearly', i mean i need to finish the sunbean, macgyver, and macgyver's parents.  and my company's gift exchange.  and make the treats for primary teachers.  and my visiting teach-ees.  see, nearly finished.

we ordered christmas cards from this talented girl.  can't wait to send them out!

i've been having intense cramping for a week.  even some spotting.  three trillion calls to the doctor, two visits, and 1 ultrasound later, everything's fine.  i'm not stressed about it, which says a lot.  ultrasound tech is guessing boy, but told us not to take the tags off of anything yet.  i'm just happy i have a healthy baby that is showing no signs of an early exit.

please submit your boy name ideas immediately.  if we've got a boy cookin', he will be lucky to have a name.  macgyver and i do not have similar boy name preferences.

i downloaded these gift tags tonight.  they look great under the tree.  i highly recommend them.

tomorrow is a busy day.

not just tomorrow, but the rest of the month.  but it is all fun stuff.  shopping, baking, family, weddings, parties, and friends.  love it.

have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried the Luna protein bars? They're made with women in mind. Very good for protein.

    Boy names -- Keaton Kalin
