Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Update from Our Casa

  • MacGyver worked a total of 2 days this week.  That means tonight is the start of a 5-day weekend.  Love it.
  • Christmas was fantastic.  Having kids is great.
  • We haven't had internet at our house for a few days.  I was going batty.
  • We haven't had internet because we have been flipping some rooms around.  The Sunbean got a new (bigger) room so she can share with Baby #2.
  • I'm sick of people telling me our kids shouldn't share a room.  Seriously?  They'll share and they'll like it.  And they'll both be good sleepers, because that's what we'll teach them to do.
  • We've watched some good movies this week:  Inception and Bad Company.  Both are good.  Bad Company is on Netflix Instant Streaming.  Watch it tonight.  It's funny.
  • I'm 18 weeks pregnant and finally into (what I percieve to be) the obviously-pregnant stage versus the ate-too-much-for-lunch stage.  Much better.
  • I haven't been to the gym for about 3 weeks.  I need to go tomorrow.  Must.  Go.
  • I had to come to work this week for 3 hours (feel bad for me) and no one told me it was jeans day.  Sheesh.
  • We officially have a name for Baby Boy and Baby Girl.  For some reason, it was stressing me out.  We both agree, the Sunbean has given her stamp of approval (fyi...not a dealbreaker), and we'll find out for sure on January 10th.  As much as I really don't want to find out (MacGyver insists), I'm really looking forward to knowing for sure.  A few weeks ago, they predicted boy, but the tech told me not to take the tags off of stuff.  Santa may or may not have brought some cute boy clothes...
  • Did I mention I'm looking forward to MacGyver's 5-day weekend?  That's 5 whole days of sleeping in for me.  What a husband.
Have a good one!


  1. Sounds kids share a room...they have since they were little(not that they are huge). When we lived with my parents we made what was Kenny's room into a toy room, then when we moved out we kept them together so we could have a toy room for them again. When we moved again we kept them together for the need of an office and their room was big enough for them to play in. At our new house (hope we don't move anytime soon) they have seperate rooms but they still sleep together. I think it's ok for kids to share. It might be tough at first but they will get use to it!! I even shared a room until I was 12 with one of my sisters.

  2. I totally think it is good for kids to share a room.

  3. Sharing a room is no big deal. And soon my boys will share a room. For a second there you said you had a name for Boy and Girl I thought you were having twins. But I figured it out. And I love long weekends too. We are lucky enough for Hugh to have three 4 day weekends in a row.

  4. great update :) our culture is the only one that doesn't regularly have sleep sharing. i see no issue with it. for our family, my hubby has an issue with room sharing if the kids aren't the same gender and if one or both are beyond toddler-hood, i think preschool age is his cut off, so that's when we split the sleeping arrangements. our boys share a room.

    that's great you get a 5 day weekend. i have two 4 day weekends, but also have duty, so i got 2.5 day weekends.

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  6. My girls have shared a room since the first the 2nd was about 4 months old. We kept her in our room at first just because of the ease of getting up in the night. But once she was sleeping through the night or getting up only once she got moved (also she grew out of the bassinet). They have been fine about it. And our older daughter is a really good sleeper.
