I've been meaning to blog about this for awhile now. In fact, as you'll see, it's been on my 'blog list' for so long that we've changed the paint color and furniture of the family room!
Anyway, we've been doing lots of picture-hanging lately, and I thought I'd share the method that we use. It takes a bit more time than just throwing the frames on the wall, but totally worth it, in my opinion.
You'll need scissors, a measuring tape, a pen or marker, and enough newspaper or other scrap paper to trace around each of your frames.
Start by tracing around each frame, and then write on the newspaper what each frame or picture looks like. Then, tape the newspaper shapes up onto the wall, and arrange them how you like 'em. I don't always trace around every single item, especially if one is a clock or something.
After you have an arrangement you're happy with, just nail those newspapers right to the wall. Make sure you put your nail where the hanger-thing is located on the frame. Voice of experience speaking right there.
Keep the newspapers up, and then hang your pictures right on top. After you're sure you la-la-la-love the way it looks, rip those newspapers down.
Voila! A picture-perfect wall collage.
And here's the new wall collage in our bedroom, which I created for free. Thank you, Photoshop. The stuff in the shadowbox is a collection of mementos from MacGyver and I's dating life. Like, the ticket stub from our first date, and the scrap paper where he first wrote down his phone number. Awwwww!
great idea :) that'll help save some holes in the wall when finding the perfect spot.