Friday, January 28, 2011

A Little Closure

 Image from the Disney Half-Marathon.  I'd like to do that one someday.

I got an email from a reader (that I don't even know!) the other day, curious about the half-marathon I ran in the fall.  Correction:  was supposed to run.

I was all ready.  I'd run 14 miles about 2 weeks before, so I was so ready to do this thing.  I had new gear, fuel for before, during, and after, and an iPod chock full of songs to keep me groovin'.

Then....I took a pregnancy test 4 days before the race.  Positively positive. After I discovered that, I kind of decided it would be best to skip the race, just in case, but a visit to my doctor confirmed that.  I know there are lots of preggers who run regularly, and it isn't necessarily a bad thing, but for me it would put the baby at risk.  My heart rate goes through the roof (normal for me, no worries), so the babe wouldn't really be getting the oxygen he needs.  You know, important stuff like that.

My sweet doctor bought my registration and ran the race for me.  Shhh....don't tell the race people.  And on race day, I did one final stint at the Barr Street Market and came home with $250.  Not a bad trade.

I was pretty bummed that I missed my first half-marathon, but I've got my whole life to do those.  Plus, I knew I could have done it, since I'd run 14 miles just a few weeks previous.  This sweet baby boy will bring me much more joy and satisfaction than a silly race.

I'll be out of the game this year, since I won't have time to properly train after poppin' this kid out (plus, I stop producing milk when I about a good excuse to take a year off!), but I'm looking forward to 2012.

So thanks for being so interested in my oh-so-interesting life!  I didn't blog about it right away because I wasn't quite ready to announce the pregnancy, and then when I did, I'd completely forgotten about the half-marathon.

Speaking of organized races, good luck to my friend Loni, who will be participating in the Ford Ironman in St. George in just 100 days!  I seriously can't imagine 140 miles, and on the second-toughest course, no less.  Go get 'em, girl.

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