Monday, January 3, 2011

Me + Baby @ 19 Weeks

Here's my synopsis of Baby #2's pregnancy thus far:
  • I was much more sick in the first trimester this time around, but it didn't last as long.  I was feeling fantastic at 12 weeks.  With the Sunbean, it was more like 17 weeks.
  • I started showing much earlier this time around.  At, like, 8 weeks.
  • I'm carrying higher than with the Sunbean.  Thank goodness for that!  At her 20-week ultrasound, they couldn't find her with an abdominal ultrasound.  I carried her at my pubic bone the entire time.  I had an ultrasound with this one at 15 weeks and baby was nice and high.  Much more comfortable!
  • I got my first uninvited belly-touch the other day.  How nice.
  • This pregnancy is flying by.  I can't believe we're nearly halfway through.  Our do-to list is NOT halfway done.
  • I'm enjoying this pregnancy much more.  I know what is normal for my body, and I'm not so stressed all the time.  Also, I know how much easier it is to be pregnant than to have a screaming newborn.  Let's all just keep our fingers crossed this baby doesn't have colic for 4 months like the Sunbean.
  • I'm working out almost every day, but learning that my body just enjoys packing on the pounds while I'm preggo.  At least I know it is easy for me to lose it when I'm nursing.
  • I'm sick of not having clothes to wear.  I have some gift cards to the mall I was planning to use after the baby is born, but something tells me they're gonna get used this week.
  • Most of all, I'm enjoying feeling this little one move and looking forward to our next ultrasound in just a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So good to read that your pregnancy is progressing well.
