Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grateful Sunday

  Soloman Farm Park
  • I'm sick.  I'm not grateful to have pneumonia, per say, but I'm thankful for a husband who takes care of me.  I'm thankful that I'm at home and not in the hospital.  And I'm thankful that thus far, it's just me who is afflicted.
  • On that note, pleaseohpleaseohplease, Universe, heal me by Tuesday so I can have a healthy vacation to Florida!
  • I'm thankful for the thunderstorm that just made our power momentarily flicker off.  I love me some inclement weather.
  • I'm thankful for tax returns.  Stay tuned for our exciting plans for ours...
  • I love Mrs. Meyer's cleaning products.  They just smell so....clean.  And they actually work, which is not always the case for 'natural' products.
  • I'm thankful for crockpots.  It's the only way to go when church is 1-4.  Or, if you're like me, 11-4:30ish.  Coming home to a hot meal really makes the day so much better.
  • I'm thankful for the Starbucks hot cocoa mix that I got for Valentine's Day.  Not as good as the real thing, but perfect when I'm jonesin' for a Starbucks at home.  Like right now.

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