Friday, February 4, 2011

Project Smile

Here's what's keeping me happy these days:

  • Sewing projects.  Hello, nesting.  I've even been sewing for other people.  Nothing like fulfilling your nesting needs and getting paid at the same time.
  • This fantastic snow!  The 'Blizzard of 2011' was a tad anti-climactic, but MacGyver got to spend a whole day with us, which was great.  And by great, I mean I slept in and sewed all day.
  • The Sunbean has an 'eggoo' in the front yard.  In case you don't speak toddler, that's an igloo.  MacGyver made it for her, and she loves to play inside.  It has seats and a window.  She runs around all day calling herself a penguin.
  • I made up a recipe the other night.  As in, didn't have something in front of me telling me what ingredients to add.  Nothing exciting, but it fulfilled my craving for Chinese food and there weren't any leftovers.
  • This is definitely making me happier than it should, but I went to check out the Peg-Perego stroller at the outlet and I LOVE it.  Like, seriously made my day.  The Sunbean cried when we left.  I think she liked it, too.  The best part?  $150 less than retail.  Score.
  • And finally, Netflix during naptime.  Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have much to smile about these days. Yah for projects and netflix. Our blizzard was much the same here too. Thanks so much for sharing your smiles!
