Friday, April 29, 2011

It's the Hats!

Blogger won't let me change the alignment on half of these paragraphs.  Grrr.

Does anyone else wish they lived in England, if only for the hats?  No?  Just me?  Hmm.

So, I've been slightly obsessed with the royal wedding this week.  I'm sure it's a function of having nothing to do but sit here, but I've been loving watching the coverage of this big event.  My grandma came here to the States when she was 8, so I feel like the English culture is a verified part of my heritage, you know?  Had history been just a litte different, I (or some version of me) would be living in England, so I feel connected somehow.

Anyway.  I think Kate Middleton is wonderful.  I think she's so classic and poised.  I thought her dress choice today was perfect!  So classic and pretty, but not frumpy or old-fashioned.  And Pippa!  Loved her dress, too.

As I watched the coverage (all day), I couldn't help but think about how the whole thing just looked like a Disney movie come to life.  I'm sure Kate's new life isn't always going to be a fairy tale, but today it sure looked like it.

I just can't imagine being a little girl growing up in England and then eventually becoming a 'real' princess.  What I think is kind of fun is that when William and Kate become the king and queen, we can all sit around and yap about how we remember watching their wedding on TV.

And.....have you Googled anything today?  Seriously.  The girl got a Doodle!  She's for real.

1 comment:

  1. I was a big sucker for reading the articles and looking at the pictures. Definitely a fairy tale wedding.
