Tuesday, May 3, 2011

N is for Nesting: A Really Strange Tutorial

In my life right now, there are about 1 million pregnant people.  No, really.  Friends from high school, friends from church, friends from mom's group, friends from college.  That makes me sound like I have a lot of friends!

If you're like me, you like to stay away from the boring baby gifts.  I love giving handmade gifts, especially for a baby.  Well.  If you are looking for a unique shower gift, I've got you covered.  This one takes the cake for unique.

First, a little background.  So far, I just have a little girl.  Changing little girl diapers is a cinch; nary a leak or spray.  A few days after we brought the sweet Sunbean home from the hospital, our friends with a one-month baby boy came to visit.  And during a diaper change, that darling little boy produced a spout of urine that arched clear across my couch!  Yikes.  I saw a product similar to this, and it got my wheels turning.  So, without further adieu:


  1. i got some of these when I had Ian....can't say i ever used them...but the few times Ian tinkled all over during a diaper change...I wished I had.

  2. hahahaha. i never had these, but will peed {almost} every time we took his diaper off...

  3. LOL...are you going to sell these on your shop? I would buy them for every boy I know!!

  4. You know, my hubby & I can't recall our intact son ever doing that. Our first two children, boy (not intact) and girl, each peed during diaper changes a few times. Maybe our house was colder in Indiana as opposed to Arizona or California?
