Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stream of Consciousness

I really, really, really wanted to blog about something besides pregnancy.  But I seriously can't help it.  I don't have enough non-pregnancy-related thoughts in my head for an entire post.  Sad, but true.

  • Here's a quick tip:  if you can think of nothing else to comment on besides my size, just don't talk to me.  Well, unless you're going to tell me that I look great.  Then go right ahead!
  • In sacrament meeting today, we sang a Primary song {A Child's Prayer}.  I loved hearing the Primary kids sing along.
  • Speaking of Primary, it was HOT today.  And the kids were cuh-razy.  One child did look at me curiously and ask if I was having a baby.  Love it.
  • Want to know what I hate?  People telling me when I'm going to have this baby.  For reals, people.  If my doctor {who is familiar with my baby-birthing-parts} can't give me an accurate prediction, neither can you.  You're just guessing.  Quit.  Unless there are money and/or prizes involved.  For me.
  • After church today, we realized we don't have any butter.  That's a travesty when you need dessert.  Luckily, my fall-back recipe is the peanut butter cookies that only use peanut butter, an egg, and a cup of sugar.
  • Awhile back, I became the proud owner of Erin Cobb's Clean Color workflow video for Photoshop.  Seriously, this girl is a genius.  I first learned Photoshop back in high school {9 years ago....eep!}, and when I recently got CS4, it was like learning a new program.  This video was perfect for me to learn the nitty-gritty details about how to edit my photos.  Now I want to go back and edit everything.  I'm quickly learning, though, that not every photo can be edited this way.  Otherwise, I'd be editing all day and all night.  But seriously, if you're in the market for a good tutorial for photo-editing, check her out.  I'm just new at this, but here's an example of my novice use of her editing technique:

Mostly, this just makes me excited to have another green-bean-eating chubby little baby around.

Happy Sunday to you!
One would hope I'll have some new baby pictures to post this week.  No one's pregnant forever, right?!?


  1. I'm sure you look adorable. Any day now and you'll be bringing that bouncing baby boy into the world. And your doula [jealous!] is back in town :)

  2. Well from your last photo of look amazing!! I love the edited photo. I'm sure anyday (soon) you will have that little dude and be super happy...your right it is just a guess though!!
