Thursday, June 30, 2011

25 Bits of Random

 I love our zoo!

I saw this on Jones Design Company.  Thought it looked fun.

#1  Both of my darlings are sleeping right now.  I'm blogging/sewing/eating/watching Netflix.  I'm not a napper.  I find it quite difficult to nap.  But sleeping in?  I'm very good at that.  Too bad my kids aren't.

#2  Why is it, when you're out in public and one of your offspring cries, people feel the need to comment?  Drives.  Me.  Crazy.  Yes, lady, I know my kid is screaming.  I'll get right on that.

#3  On July 15th, the final Harry Potter movie arrives.  Also, 'Winnie the Pooh Bear', as the Sunbean calls it, will be in theaters.  I think our family will be single-handedly supporting the movie industry that day.

#4  I'm making my kids matching July 4th outfits.  Stay tuned.

#5  Why do I always gain 70+ pounds when I'm pregnant?  It makes for a crazy year:  gaining and losing all that weight within a calendar year.  At least I lose it, right?  Right.

#6  Pinterest.  Love it.
#7  We recently watched The Kennedys on Netflix.  A fantastic miniseries.  Put it in your instant queue right now.

#8  I'm ready for my clothes to fit.

#9  Also?  I'm ready to not look 4 months pregnant.

#10  I'm having a meeting at my house tonight.  I really need to clean, make an agenda, and make a snack.  Right now, it appears that only one of those things will get done.  I'm going for snack.

#11  I got some pictures printed of the kids at a nice photo store.  So much better than Wal-Mart quality.  Not that I'm surprised.

#12  The farmer's market starts in 1 week.  I'm mostly ready, though a little anxious about how I'm going to help customers/take orders/nurse an infant all at the same time.

#13  I believe that I have a clogged milk duct.  Ouch.

#14  In 3rd grade, I was Peter Pan in an operetta.  I know.

#15  I hate my serger.  But I love my serger.  It's complicated.

#16  I've been jonesing for a vacation lately.

#17  I went to school at Ohio University in Athens.  I miss it.  The campus, the people, the community.  Everything but the homework.

#18  I met my husband 9 years ago this summer.  So crazy.

#19  I love York Peppermint Patties straight from the freezer.  Almost as much as I love Starbucks.

#20  A very sweet family friend send me a box of cloth diapers + cute outfit + gift for the Sunbean.  We got it today, and it made for a very exciting pre-lunch activity.  You are too sweet, 'Lorlie'.  Proper thank-you to come.

#21  Speaking of....why don't people understand how to send thank-you notes?  Like, in the mail.  If it's not hand-written and mailed via USPS, you're doing it wrong.  Sorry.

#22  I'm growing my hair out.  Right now I'm rockin' the awkward stage.

#23  I love cucumbers.

#24  I really love to move decor items around my house.  People always say it looks different every time they come over.  It's often not meant as a compliment, but I always take it that way.  I don't like my house to always look the same.  That's just boring.

#25  On my Facebook today, three people's statuses were about their kids crying when they left for work.  Staying at home isn't for everyone, but it's for me.  I'm thankful I get to do it.

Copy, paste, and play along!  I love to read these things.

1 comment:

  1. As one of those people who wrote on Facebook about their kid crying when they left for work, I can most definitely assure you that you are very blessed to be able to stay home with your little ones. And they are so lucky to have you be with them - enjoy every minute!
