Saturday, June 4, 2011

Little Dude's Weekly Photo Project

It's no secret that I lurve these guys.  I get tons of ideas and inspiration from their blog.  I started reading right around the time they had Clara, and I have loved watching their weekly photo project evolve.

So Little Dude gets a weekly photo project all his own.  I added a page to the top of my blog, since I probably won't dedicate a whole post each week.  I get that most of you aren't as obsessed with my kids as I am.  Probably just my mom.

It's hard to believe it's been a week, but here's the first:


  1. thats going to be so fun to watch him grow!

  2. Such a cute boy:) Love the idea!

  3. So cute! I would like to contact you by email (I've just been stalking your blog & store) but can't find an email address! Can you perhaps email me: - I'd love to chat with you about a fun opportunity! Thank-you for sharing your life on your blog. (I am now intrigued by cloth diapers...)

  4. Cute! I hope to find a way to do this for Little Bug while he is in the NICU, but we'll have to see. I only plan to do once a month and the same fabric each time, with a small star print so we can see size comparison each time.
    Love it!
