When it comes to living the gospel, there are so many things that we are so bad at. But one thing we've really been enjoying lately is Family Home Evening. Basically, we set aside one evening a week to spend as a family. We typically sing some songs, have a quick lesson, and then play a game or make a craft. Oh, and treats. Always treats.
The Sunbean has really been getting into FHE the past few months, and it is so cute. She gets so excited on Mondays, and loves to help me think of a game or craft. Her favorite treat is to put some chocolate chips in muffin cups for everyone. Love that girly.
Yesterday, we made some little pinecone Christmas trees. They absolutely didn't turn out cute at all, but it was fun to craft with my family.
I just wanted to take a minute to remember this little moment. Lately I've been feeling like time is zipping by...I know that all too soon I'll be wishing for these crazy days of laundry and messy faces and sticky floors.
I hear you. The effort counts, right? cute candid shot