Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Household Happenings

I hate it when I realize that it's been a whole week since I've blogged.  So I'll give you a brain dump and post a fun little project later this week.

  • First, everyone around me is having babies!  It's so fun!  Yesterday, I went to visit my sweet college roomie and her sweet baby girl.  As a bonus, I got to check out her adorable house.  As a bonus on top of the bonus, my kids slept in the car.  Here's that sweet baby:
  • Then, another dear friend of mine had a baby on Sunday morning, AND my high school bestie had a baby tonight.  When I go home for Turkey Day, I'm going to have so many babies to squeeze!
  • Speaking of squeezing, that's Little Dude's newest pastime.  Squeezing the fat on my upper arms.  Ouch!  Perhaps this will be the final encouragement I need to drop the remainder of this weight I'm carrying around.  Just to give you the proper picture, I'm currently eating a cookie.
  • The Sunbean officially *really* wants something for Christmas.  She saw this little Hello Kitty umbrella and must have it.  It's at a store that is all the way across town, and I need to get back over there to get it, since they only have one.  I can't go when she's with me {duh}, so I have to wait until MacGyver gets home.  But rush-hour traffic in big city + darkness + baby = little motivation.  Tomorrow.
  • Are you watching Revenge on Wednesdays?  It's on in 4 minutes, and I can't wait.  I'm totally obsessed.
  • Speaking of obsessed, I'm obsessed with finishing my Christmas shopping before December 1st.  It's an OCD sickness, really.
Happy Good-TV Night!


  1. YES! i love revenge! so so good. and i was way mad that the CMA awards got in the way last week, i am stoked to see this weeks episode!

  2. sounds so fun! babies are really every least one person on every floor is pregnant at work minus the ladies in ICU most of them are well beyond child baring! good luck with the shopping.

  3. I heard somewhere that November is one of the busiest baby months. Speaking of birthdays, I hope yours is great.

    I haven't seen Revenge yet, but I'm liking Once Upon a Time. We almost have our Christmas gifts done.

  4. i'm a revenge fan too! had to catch up on a couple episodes but now i'm all caught up. the first few episodes i was skeptical but it's gotten so interesting!
