Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Little Dude is...

Last week, this little guy turned 6 months old.  It was actually on my father-in-law's birthday.  None of us realized Little Dude was born on his half-birthday.  Funny.

When my babies turn 6 months, it's always bittersweet for me.  6 months is one of my favorite ages, and it all just seems to zip past after this.  Scooting, crawling, standing, walking, running....and then on to being naughty and sassy.  If I had a pause button, I might push it here.
At six months, here's what my little guy is up to:
  • He's weighing in right around 20 pounds.  His official doctor's appointment is tomorrow, but I weighed him at my parents' last week and got 20.
  • He's wearing size 12 or 18-month clothing.  My little Sunbean wore that size until her 2nd birthday.
  • Up until this weekend, we had regressed into this pattern of waking up every 2 hours around the clock to eat.  Sometimes it was every hour in the middle of the night.  Oh my, was I a crab.  And so was he.  And he even needed to sleep with us sometimes.  I hate establishing that pattern, but sleep trumps everything.  But then I had a revelation.  We had been swaddling him in a SwaddleMe that was about 3 sizes too small.  I decided to just get crazy and break all the rules and swaddle him in a muslin swaddling blanket (aden + anais).  Oh my wonderful!  In just two nights, we're back to him sleeping in his bed and going 4-5 hours without waking.  It's a thing of beauty.  I'm not sure why the swaddling blanket is so magical, but I'll take it!
  • Little Dude is a pro at sitting up and reaches for everything.  He puts EVERYTHING in his mouth, which is something that the Sunbean never did.

Really, this kid is just so happy and easy going.  He doesn't mind the carseat and lets the Sunbean 'love' on him.  So happy six months, Little Dude.  Don't grow up too fast on me.

Head:  17.5 (79%)
Length:  27.5 (80%)
Weight:  18 pounds, 14 ounces (73%)


  1. I can't believe he's that old already!!! and I'm a fan of regular old swaddling myself--glad he's sleeping longer now!!!

  2. awe. I agree with the swaddling. Sometimes you've got to break the "rules" and go with what works best.
