Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to Print on Fabric

Do you have this problem?  I always get this 'idea' in my mind of an exact shirt I want, for me or my littles, and then I can't find it.  Or it's too expensive.  Most of the time, I just make it myself.  But sometimes that's hard, like if it's some sort of screen print.

Then, I had an idea.  I have a good printer.  Well, I think.  I like it, at least.

Why not print on fabric?  I've seen tutorials for freezer paper and the like, but I didn't ever feel like messing with that.  So why not?  Worst case scenario, I have to replace the printer.  Good thing it worked out.

Here's what I did.

First, I started with an old knit shirt.  It had little holes all over and more than one stain.

Then, I cut a piece to 8.5x11, for printing.  I also cut a piece of WonderUnder to the same size.

I ironed the two pieces together, and then taped it to a sheet of cardstock, to stabilize it for the printer.

Then I dinked around in Photoshop until I had a few things I wanted to print, crossed my fingers, and pressed 'print'.

It worked!


Then I just used the 'knit' stitch on my sewing machine to attach the graphics to shirts.  The top one is a cute little onesie for Little Dude, and the bottom is my new Republican shirt {go Mitt!}.  Don't be mad, Dad.

Here's a tip:  if you're ever in the market for a plain shirt {retailers totally missed the boat on that market}, check out the girls' section.  I can get by with a large or extra-large, and they are usually half the price of the same thing in the women's or junior's section.  So dumb.
I have no idea if this is machine-washable.  I figured I'll find out when it's time to wash them.

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with my $5 project!


  1. Cool! I'm glad you explained that that was 2 different projects going on because I was having a hard time putting the 2 together.
    How's the color-fastness? Have you washed them yet? Curious how it holds up.

  2. Looks has some printable stuff not sure if its anything your looking for or even cost effetive...little dude will look cute I'm sure!

  3. I'm also curious about the color fastness and what brand printer you used.
