Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Little Dude is...

Oh, this little boy is growing up so fast.  We were at the doctor today {the poor thing is sick}, and he's weighing in at 21.1 pounds.  I'm glad his growth has plateaued a bit.

Here's what my big boy is doing:
  • This little guy isn't so little.  We're in a carseat predicament.  We bought a Peg Perego Primo Viaggio carseat, which is designed for babies up to 30 pounds and 30 inches.  Well, he's not 30 inches yet, but his torso is too long, even at the biggest setting!  It's ridiculous.  So we'll be buying another Recaro Como convertible seat soon.
  • He's a crawling monster now.  It took him a few days once he started to figure it out, but now he's all over the place.  The Sunbean is not that pleased about it.
  • It took him a few months to warm up to table food, and now he can't get enough!  He'll eat anything and everything put before him.  Last night he ate half a quinoa burger.  He also eats the Sunbean under the table, with no problem.
  • His sleeping is so great....but I'm dreading night-weaning.  The Sunbean did it herself at 9 months, but I don't see that happening here.  He's sleeping 12 hours at night {waking up for a snack every few hours}, and takes 2 naps.
  • He's becoming such a social guy.  He loves to play with the Sunbean, and just loves it when someone is interacting with him.
I don't have all of his nine-month pics edited yet, but here's a favorite:

 Love that sweet boy.


  1. good luck with the night weaning! we just did it with baby J at 14 months (would have been earlier but for him sharing a room with us till we moved) and it's great. he still nurses well during the day, too.

  2. Minus his current illness, Little Dude sounds like he's doing great. I really like having a convertible seat with my kids. We made a similar discovery when our eldest was that age. :)
