Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Monday

  • I really was happy to see Monday this week.  MacGyver was traveling for work last night, and my nights are usually restless when he's gone.  Even if I do have a cute baby boy sharing my bed when he's gone.
  • Speaking of cute baby boys, can you believe this one turns 1 in just one week?  Here's a sneak peek from his birthday photo shoot.  He's just so darling.  Even if he's grabbing at the computer as I type this.
  • The next few weeks are busy ones for us:  Little Dude's birthday, my mom's 50th, my brother-in-law visiting from Utah, and then Little Dude's party.  The kids and I are staying at 'home' for over a week, too, so there's the packing/planning/preparing for that.
  • This is the last week of preschool.  Goodbye, calm and easy mornings.
  • I'm excited to share my ideas for the little guy's birthday and party.  It's no secret we celebrate birthdays like crazy people, so I've been a busy little planner.
  • MacGyver was a dear and bought me a pretty pink beach cruiser.  We hooked the bike trailer up to it, and I spent the weekend pulling our heavy kids around.  We live in a great place for this:  there are miles and miles of wonderful bike trails that are accessible right from our front door.  We're lucky.
  • Right now I'm so hungry, and need to go to the grocery.  I'm always stumped about what to eat for lunch.  I usually have cereal.  Or cookies.
  • I'm wearing a maxi skirt today.  I kind of have a hard time with maxi skirts, because I grew up in an area with a ton of amish/mennonites/apostolic christian.  Whenever I wear long skirts, I feel like I'm channeling them.  Not a bad thing, just usually not the look I'm going for.
  • On the agenda for today:  finish laundry, groceries, work on a headboard I'm making, and clean up the basement.
Happy Monday to you!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe little dude is 1! Happy Birthday! I'm sure his party will be so cute, just like his pictures.

    I hear ya on the maxi skirt thing. Just keep away from the doily on your head...
