Monday, June 4, 2012

The Fun Summer Challenge

The past few months have been the first time that we've been slaves to the 'school schedule'.  For the first time since I graduated college {6 years ago...where did that time go?}, I felt that summer actually 'arrived'.

And I love it!  I want to have a great summer with my kids.  At 3 {almost 4} and 1, I feel like there are tons of fun things we could do.  And I want to do all those things, too.  But sometimes, with a 3- and 1-year-old, it's tough to get those things done.

To someone on the outside, that barely makes sense.  I have all day, right?  The kids are up by 7 at the latest, so we ought to have plenty of time to do fun things.  As any momma knows, though, getting out the door or getting an activity ready sometimes just takes all day.  There are naps and meals and pesky things like household chores to contend with.

So an idea was born.  I introduce to you the

Basically, this summer I'm challenging myself to do fun things.

For me, it's going to be one per day.  One out-of-the-ordinary thing per day.

And I want you to join me.  It doesn't have to be one per day.  Maybe you're already an awesome mom and you need to do two per day.  Or maybe one per week is more your style.

I'm planning to post about these each Monday, so hopefully we can all be motivated and inspired by each other to have the best summer with our kiddos.

Watch for this next Monday, and plan to link up with your fun summer activities!


  1. perfect timing! now that that i feel like i can actually leave the house (not being pregnant)i actually want to do things. i found a list of stuff to do in our new area and my goal is to do everything on that list this summer. we shall see! i'll link up!

  2. ok we need to join in! but i am so not creative. i need ideas. besides pinterest, where do you go for inspiration?
