Monday, June 25, 2012

Funday Monday!

Monday already!  We had the silliest of weeks.  I decided at the last minute to go to my parents' house on Sunday night to see my dad for Father's Day, and then we found out on Monday morning that we'd need to be back in that area on Friday.  So I pretty much spent the whole week driving.  Awwwwwwesome.

 So at the beginning of the week we were at my parents'.  We played with some fun games, went out to eat, and even rode the penny horse.  Good times.  And a peaceful ride home.

 It was a hot one on Wednesday, so we spent the day at the pool.  We had it to ourselves {???}, which was awesome.  Then some cute little ducks decided to join us.

Friends of ours are moving, and I made the decision that me + my two kids would be more trouble that help.  So we made some yummy sugar cookie bars to deliver.  It was fun, and the batter {and cookies} were super tasty.

Then on Friday, we got to hang out with MacGuyver's parents.  His mom was babysitting for some kids, so it was great to have built-in entertainment for my kids.  Little Dude was loving the outdoor toys!

Did you have a fun week?  Do anything besides drive around the Midwest?  Link up and share!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'd like to drive around the midwest. Love that pic of the kids both asleep.

    Ducks in the pool? Fun!

    And what, no painting this week? Will tried to convince me let him paint with my acrylic paints. Luckily he settled for just re-arranging the bottles.
