Sunday, August 5, 2012

Grateful Sunday

Well, helllllllo!

Long time no talk!  I think I'll just mush together a large brain dump + grateful post + update.  Mmmmmmkay?

love this face.

  • We're getting settled in our house!  It's so fun to move back into a house that you love.  For starters, everything is the way I like it.  I love the carpet, fixtures, and paint colors.  Also, I know where everything goes.  I know what works.  It's easy to unpack.
  • Speaking of packing, I didn't have to do it.  Working with relo was so awesome.  We lucked out with a fantastic moving team.  Two young guys that loved my kids.  They were super friendly and packed and labeled everything wonderfully.  It was the same guys that packed, drove, and unpacked.  We made sure to feed them a steady stream of Starbucks, pizza, water, gatorade to keep them on our side.  The Sunbean has been asking about them ever since.
  • It's weird + nice to be back in our ward.  MacGyver had two callings by the second week...haha. I'm still slipping under the complaints here.  I did sub in nursery today, which was fun and tiring.
  • In just under a year, our ward has changed a ton!  Tons of new families our ward our age.
  • I'm working on a new modest fashion blog with my {internet} friend.  I'm getting excited about it.
  • Little Dude is so funny these days.  He's getting bigger by the second.  It is so wonderful going from a three-level townhouse to a one-level home.  I can pretty much let him run free.  And a backyard {with a great view} for him to run's fantastic.
  • Oh!  And I got a new lens for my camera.  It's a 50mm.  So fun.  I love how much I can crank up the ISO and still get great pics.  I'll be taking some pics of the Sunbean this week, and I'm excited to put it to use.
  • I'm taking her pics because her birthday is next Sunday.  I can't believe it!
  • Right now, I'm sitting at the lake with a view of the water and the Olympics, while blogging on my computer via my mom's hotspot.  It's a great blend of nature and technology.  
  • I'm just so thankful we've had a pretty easy transition so far.  Life is good!


  1. so glad it all went so smoothly!

  2. I love the mix of nature and technology--perfect! I can't wait to see the lens in action and I love hearing about the ward! I miss it so much, but sounds like it's quite a bit different!

  3. Glad you guys are back! I need a running partner this winter...:) And you can tell me all about how to use my new camera! Love it, but can't get anything good consistently. Anyway, yay!

  4. excited to hear about your modest fashion blog? might it include any tall fashions? pretty please? finding skirts/dresses is so hard. :-(
