Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tiny Dancer

you saw last week on instafriday that the sunbean started dance.  it's at a dance studio in my hometown, and i'm so happy that my girlie can dance there.  they do ballet and a little tap and a little jazz.

the 'dress code' is comfortable street clothes, but on the first day the little lady noticed that most of the girls were wearing dance clothes.

well we couldn't be left out, now could we?  target to the rescue, and we had a new leotard and some leg warmers + supplies to make more leg warmers.  i also grabbed some plain stretchy tanks for her, too.

then, like it was meant to be, i saw this tutorial a few days later.  i knew it would be perfect for the bean.  and it was!  so easy to make, too.  literally less than 20 minutes.

doesn't it look so cute on my tiny dancer girl, practicing her moves?  you can't tell in this pic, but the knit has a little glitter in it, too.  found it at joann's.

so try one!  they're super easy.  good luck!


  1. so cute. she is looking so much like her dad:)

  2. it's so fun having all the little kids in things now. They are getting so big!

  3. virginia, you're the second person in as many days to tell me that!

    yes, ab, they're all getting so big! bittersweet. :)

  4. um, so cute. I lament the fact that I don't have girly girls...
