Friday, October 12, 2012

I Felt Like the Fun Mom

To save ourselves from a day of the grumpies, we decided to bust out the playdough.

Except the playdough was hardish and weirdly crumbly.  Which is actually no surprise, since I rarely have the patience that playdough requires.

Well, we took it one step further and made our playdough today.  We used this recipe, and I'll use it again.

I got out the cream of tarter, only to find that it was empty {who does that?  me, apparently.}, so I omitted it.  I didn't see any ill effects.

And all I keep in the house is whole-wheat flour, so our dough was pretty brownish and had a distinct 'wheaty' smell that I doubt the white-flour versions have.

And adding the food coloring after it cooks didn't work for us.  Well, I guess it did.  We just have brown dough with swirls of color.  My littles didn't care.

Ah, and Little Dude.  So sweet.  He was totally getting into this.  He loved mashing it down and using the cookie cutters.  Made him look like such a big boy.  I love activities my kids both actually enjoy.

And he didn't eat much of it.  Actually, I think this is the very first thing that he has ever put in his mouth, and then taken out on his own.  I told him to go ahead and eat it, but he spit it out.  Maybe it was that cup of salt?  But really, this is a major improvement for the boy who eats his own poop {it only happened once}.

Happy Weekend!  We're headed on an adventure without kids.  Pics to come on Monday!


  1. you totally are the fun mom, but I'm more impressed that you only have wheat flour.

  2. you totally are the fun mom, but I'm more impressed that you only have wheat flour.

  3. you totally are the fun mom, but I'm more impressed that you only have wheat flour.

  4. you totally are the fun mom, but I'm more impressed that you only have wheat flour.

  5. um, sorry for that. you gotta love blogger...
