Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 Family Home Evening

Not sure what Family Home Evening is?  Also called FHE, it's an evening devoted to family time, a short gospel-based lesson and activity, snacks, and fun!

In 2013, it's happening in this house.

I know it's gonna happen because there is a plan.  I'm planning the weekly FHEs at the beginning of each month.

When I was Primary President, I really loved the monthly sharing time outlines.  So rather than re-invent the wheel, I'm just using those.  I figured it will be a good review for the Sunbean {who is now a CTR 4!} since she'll hear that lesson on Sunday.

I'm pretty excited about this plan.  Our FHEs are usually pretty haphazardly thrown together because I'm trying to take care of the kids/make dinner/etc all at the same time on Monday afternoon/evening.

If you'd like to join me, here's a copy of my monthly planner.  I'm all about the freebies lately!


  1. you need a pinterest button on your blog!!! i pin stuff from here a lot. :-)

  2. ohh. i may have to take advantage of this.
