Thursday, May 16, 2013

Up to My Eyeballs

Update!  Because I know you're all so captivated by my landscaping progress, I'll just go ahead and cross things off as a get them done.  How's that for super exciting?

I'm feeling super overwhelmed, so I'm making a list and blogging it.  Isn't that what everyone does?  Mmmmmkay.

I don't know if it's some type of strange manifestation of nesting {I nest even when not pregnant}, or spring fever, or just my crazy self, but I've started landscaping our house myself.  Nic has been working crazy long days {20 hours...not even kidding...wish I was}, so it's pretty much up to me.  So far, though, it's been going well:

With a great weather forecast this weekend and a husband who swears he's not working, here are some items on our to-do list:

  • finish lining the driveway with brick
  • finish lining the sidewalk with brick
  • buy more brick!
  • trim greenery in front yard
  • extend flower beds down the side of the house and line with brick
  • figure out how to breath new life into my transplanted peony {I did move two, and one is doing great, so that's a win}
  • find some super helpers to finish assembling the swingset in our backyard {a gift for the kids for birthdays from a slew of exciting!}.  the age of 4 is not known for patience, and Ella has been trying so hard wait patiently for this to get built
  • move the large logs out of our yard from getting the tree cut down {we're using some for stools around the fire pit}
  • figure out what on earth to do with the large amount of ghetto mulch/dirt from the tree stump
  • cross my fingers/toes/arms/legs/eyes that my in-laws' rv is moved tomorrow so that I can figure out what to do with that side of the driveway
Ok!  Feeling better already.  Here's to a sweaty weekend!

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