Monday, October 25, 2010

MacGyver, Party of 4

If you're my friend on Facebook (all the cool kids are), you read our big announcement on Saturday.  We're welcoming another one of these in our family:

We're super excited!  It all happened so quickly that we're barely getting used to the idea of being pregnant.  We knew we wanted our kids to be about 3 years apart, and I knew that I wanted to avoid being largely pregnant through the summer again.  We did the math and realized it was time.  We're really good at getting pregnant, so as quickly as we decided, we were pregnant.  It has been a whirlwind of a few months, but we are really pumped about it.

So far I'm feeling, well, awful.  I throw up almost every morning, which never happened with the Sunbean.  And I'm not typically a puker.  Other than that, I'm just exhausted beyond belief.

We've had more than our fair share of pregnancy problems (is there really a fair share?), so we were planning to wait a little longer to announce, just in case.  My uterus, however, has had different plans.  I know I don't look pregnant to the general public, but MacGyver and I have been shocked at how quickly my body has 'remembered' what to do.  My pants definitely don't button anymore!

Because of our history, I've already had a slew of doctor visits, and we've had an ultrasound to see a heartbeat.  I actually didn't think it would be as exciting this time around, but I think I'm more excited.  I'm not as freaked out that something will go wrong, and I know what to expect.  Exciting stuff!

I'm due on June 1st, which is my mom's birthday and my brother-in-law's birthday, so that makes it even more special.

Now I'm off to either puke or make a nest for myself on the couch.


  1. Although I don't see the comment from washeequa was from me...any who it basically said congrats in my silly way...and that I added you to my blog list finally.

  2. Very excited & happy for you guys. Hope you start to feel better quickly.

  3. I hope you can find some good netflix while you are curled up on the couch! Congrats of course!

  4. Congrats!! Very exciting for all of you.

  5. great, great news, abbey! i hope you feel better soon and can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. hugs!

  6. As Lisa Moulton says- once the balloon is stretched, there's no going back!

  7. hooray!!! i somehow missed this on FB! i am soooo excited for you guys :)

  8. Congratulations on your soon-to-be addition! Very exciting news! Any gender preferences on your next one?

  9. Congratulations! We have happy for your family!
