Friday, October 22, 2010

Random Thoughts for Friday

  • First off, it's Friday!  Woo hoo!  MacGyver comes home early from work, which is always cause for celebration.
  • We're heading to Starbucks for breakfast and then the library for storytime.  We love Fridays around here.
  • The Primary Program is Sunday.  I'm excited to see how it turns out, and even more excited for it to be over.
  • We sold a bunch of furniture we weren't using and got a 'new' rug via Craigslist.  I seriously love that place.  Thanks, Emily, for pointing out the rug that I *needed*.
  • I've only been to the gym  twice this week.  Blah.
  • I loooooove this weather.  My favorite season.  I seriously heart sweaters.
  • We had Chipotle for lunch yesterday and, for the first time ever, I was disappointed.  It was not good.  For one, they shorted me on sour cream.  That's always a big mistake.
  • Sunbean has a cold and is not sleeping well.  I don't blame her, but we're all totally exhausted.
  • We don't have any big plans this weekend....I LOVE that!
Have a fantastic Friday!!


  1. Yay for early Fridays (I'm enjoying that myself right now) :) Sorry for the cold and not going to the gym. I've been a slacker for PT lately and I feel it. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. i <3 starbucks breakfast days, too. i go when m. has preschool and it's amazing to have that hour and a half or so to myself and just enjoy a hot chocolate. mmmm!

  3. Cool...I told my friend who is prego with twin girls about your bows and site...hope she checks it out and buys some stuff!!
