Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Big Loser

Yep, this is my official post-baby weight loss post.  I tried for at least 20 minutes to find a photo of myself to use as my 'goal', but apparently I do not take photos of myself.  It's just as well.  Here's the best I found:

Little Baby Sunbean and I getting a pedicure.

This time around, I have an incentive program, a la 'The Biggest Loser'.  Well, unless you're from this silly town...they have a contest called 'The Smallest Winner'.  It just doesn't have the same ring to it.  But then again, naming things isn't our forte.  After all, our minor-league baseball team is the TinCaps, and we tried to name a building the Harry Baals Building.  Honestly.

Anyway, MacGyver found out that our insurance company offers a pretty suh-weet incentive program to lose weight.  Since I gain an exorbitant amount of weight while pregnant, I actually meet the requirements of the program.

Here's the skinny (pun intended).  If I lose 10% of my body weight, I will get $500.  Yep, $500.  Then, if I keep it off for a year, I'll get an additional $1,000.  That's $1,500 for being healthy.  Um, yes please.

So at my 6-week checkup, I had my doc fax in the form, and I got enrolled.  She actually wants to see me again next month, so my goal is to have lost the 10% by then.  The insurance company doesn't impose any time limits on losing the 10%, but I'm going back to the doctor anyway, so it would just be easier if I could have her fill out the paper while I'm already there.

So how awesome is this?  Not only am I going to be getting back to my old self, but I'm getting paid to do it!  Hello, new wardrobe!


  1. luuuuucky! good luck! i know you can do it.

    some how this post makes me want to make cookies, why is that?!

  2. awesome! though it does seem odd they would include pregnancy related weight gain. have fun with your exercise and healthy eating :)
