Thursday, July 28, 2011

Little Dude is...

This little boy is such a joy to have in the family!  He gave us a few weeks of colic, but he has changed so much this past month.

He's now the most laid-back baby ever.  I am LOVING having an 'easy' baby.  He wakes up, eats, poops, smiles, and then goes back to sleep.  It's awesome.  The Sunbean was high-strung from the beginning, and it's so fun to see how different their personalities are.  For example, whilst getting shots today, he smiled at the nurse.  She said she'd never seen anything like it.  I love this boy!

Here are his stats:
Weight:  13 pounds 11 ounces, 90%
Height: 22 3/4 inches, 50%
Head Size: 15 3/4 inches, 50%

Here's what Little Dude is up to:
  • He's sleeping for 7 hours about 3-4 times a week.  Heaven!
  • Speaking of sleeping, he's still in that I-can-sleep-anywhere stage.  I'll be sad to see that go.
  • He loves the Moby....and so do I!
  • He's our chubby little guy.  I just had to go buy 3-6 month summer clothes, and some of those are getting snug.  And when I say 'I', I obviously mean my mom.  Thanks, mom.
  • This guy's feet are huge.  As in, the same size as the Sunbean's when she turned one.
  • He still loves to be swaddled.  It's cute to see how quickly he settles down for the evening when we get him nice and tight.
  • MacGyver thinks I'm crazy, but I think his hair is getting lighter.
  • He's finally stretching 2-3 hours between feedings.  Thank goodness.  Maybe his weight gain will plateau a little!
  • The Sunbean is still just as enamored with her little brother.  She was with her Nana today, and when she came home, she wanted nothing to do with me.  Just wanted to see the babe.
  • This guy has some pretty silly facial expressions.  My personal favorite is when his eyes get so big they look as if they will fall out.

Time sure does go fast with two kids.  It's hard to believe two months have passed since Little Dude was born.  We're loving this life as a family of four!


  1. A: where did you get that adorable outfit?
    B: he totally looks like you and mcgiver! so so cute

  2. Little Dude sounds perfect. He's adorable. He's very similar to how my boys were[except their food intolerance/allergies and reflux continued the "colic"]. Maybe it's a boy thing to grow like that? My oldest was in 6-9 month clothes by 3 1/2 months!

  3.'s from Gap Outlet. All of their summer clothes are clearanced right now...I think that one was $4. Post more pics of little bug when you have a chance...he's so cute!!
