January: We visit Sesame Street Live. The Sunbean is enamored.
February: Snowpacalypse. MacGyver and the Sunbean build an igloo with two rooms, a table, and chairs.
March: We escape to sunny Florida.
April: I spent most of the month on bedrest; we say goodbye to the Sunbean's sweet friend, Mazie, and her family.
May: We welcome Little Dude into our family.
June: We spend lots of lazy summer days at the zoo. The Sunbean becomes obsessed with feeding ducks.
July: Continuing with our lazy summer, we spend lots of time camping at the lake with my parents.
August: The Sunbean turns 3.
September: MacGyver accepts a job as a manufacturing engineer; we move 2.5 hours away.
October: We take the kids to the pumpkin patch; the Sunbean adopts a gourd. I found it molding in her closet last week.
November: Little Dude starts taking a bath like a big kid.
December: We celebrate a fun Christmas season with family and friends!
Happy New Year!
fun. love the month by month.