Monday, January 2, 2012

The Sunbean is a Sunbeam

Most of you probably know where we get the nickname 'Sunbean'.  There is an LDS children's song with the lyrics "Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam".  When the Sunbean was small, she would sing 'sunbean' instead.

Yesterday, it became official.  She's a real Sunbeam now.  When a child is 3 on January 1st, they start going to Sunday School, and the class is called 'Sunbeams'.  She's not in preschool yet, so this is her first foray into organized education.

I really thought she'd march right in without any problems, but she was actually pretty hesitant.  There were a few tears shed, but thankfully her favorite teacher was there to save the day.

I teach the 10-year-old Sunday School class, so I saw her about midway through, and she was doing great.  When I picked her up after church was over, this is what she had to say, "Primary was fun!!  At first I was sad, but then I got happy.  And I got a book and stamps and snacks."

So the Sunbean is a Sunbeam.  And growing up so fast.


  1. how'd she get so old?!
    i'm glad she survived it. the new little sunbeams are so cute and tiny it seems.

  2. wow. what a big girl. we sure miss you guys.

  3. awe. glad her favorite teacher was there.
