Tuesday, December 13, 2011

On the Fourth Day of Christmas...

...my true love gave to me:

Elf on the Shelf ideas!

Do you have an 'Elf on the Shelf'?  I have really wanted this the past few years, but was too cheap to buy the $30 set.  I could have made my own elf, but I really wanted the book, too.

This year, I got lucky and had a $25 reward card from Target burning a hole in my pocket.  The day I went to get it, they were having a deal where you get a $5 gift card to Target when you buy the Elf on the Shelf.  Winning!

Let me tell you...we're loving this new tradition!  It's so cute.  In case you're not familiar with the story, Santa sends an elf to hang out at your house all day, and then the elf reports back to Santa each night.  You'll find the elf in a new place each day.

The Sunbean named our elf 'Nutcracker' and has so far been amused with Nutcracker's antics.  If you haven't started this tradition with your family, you should!  It's been fun for us.  Here's what we've done so far this year:


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