Monday, January 30, 2012

Little Dude is...

Here is Little Dude's preferred mode of mobility these days...the back-arch-scoot.  So helpful during diaper changes.

This little boy has been entertaining us with his antics lately.  Such a little ham.  Here's what he's up to:
  • He's decided that solid foods might not be so bad after all.  He's still a pretty tough sell, but is gradually becoming used to the idea that food on a spoon isn't so bad.  I think he'll love feeding himself, but he still struggles with chunky food.  He does love the puffs, though!
  • This little guy isn't crawling yet, but I know it's coming soon.  He gets so close, and then flops down.  It's cute, but frustrating for him.  He'll be much happier when he can move on his own!
  • Thanks to Sleep Week, he's got such a good sleep rhythm down.  Up around 7, naps at 9, 12, and 3, and then down for the night at 6.  Sleep makes for a happy baby and momma.
  • Lately, Little Dude has been shaking his head back and forth.  It's so cute and so funny.
  • We've been doing baby signs with him {loooooved them with the Sunbean}, and he definitely understands what 'more' and 'all done' mean.  He's not signing back yet, but it's amazing to watch him respond to our signs.
  • This guy makes more mouth noises than any baby I've known.  It's funny, slobbery, and very distracting at church.
We love this sweet boy!

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