Friday, January 27, 2012

Sleep Week: Victory!

You know you've found yourself in all of these positions.

Oh, man.  My kids totally rocked Sleep Week.

Let's start with the Sunbean.  She said that she wanted to sew the paci to her favorite animal's mouth.  Being the infinitely wise mama that I am, I went ahead and cut the tip off first.  No funny business around here.  The first night, there were tears and whines for upwards of two and a half hours.  Not constant, but still exhausting for everyone.

Then the next day for nap, it took her another 2.5 hours, but she went to sleep.  No crying this time, though.  I'll take it.  For bed that night, the little darling went to sleep in about an hour.  A far cry from her usually 10 minutes, but it was progress.  By last night, she was asleep right away.  Such a big girl.  Naps are pretty good, too.  Two days this week she fell right asleep, and two days it took her a long time.  Either way, she's still napping.  Winning.  She does, however, have an unnatural hatred toward the animal who now owns the paci.

Little Dude has amazed me this week.  It took him exactly one day to learn how to put himself to sleep, and doesn't fuss much.  Maybe 20-30 seconds.  Looooooove it.  Now he wakes up around 7, naps at 9, 12, and 3, and then goes to bed at 6.  Of course, he still wakes up at night to eat, but last night he did 5-hour stretches.  He hasn't done that since he was 2 months old.

So all in all, this week has been great.  It was stressful and exhausting for all of us, but the hard work is over.  All we have ahead of us is restful nights.  Ahhhhh.

I can't say it enough, but you've gotta check out Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.  It's like scripture to me.

Have a restful weekend!


  1. Yay for sleep!!!! It makes all of life wonderful! I miss you guys. Hope you are enjoying OH!

  2. so glad to hear it! the total opposite of our week, and we weren't trying to get anyone to do anything differently! Now THIS week is our sleep week. Thank goodness the sickness is over. :) Hope you guys enjoy some peace and quiet!
