Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Snippity Snip

Little Dude's hair has an air of mystery.  He was born with a head full of dark hair:

But by about 2 months, it was turning strawberry blonde:

But now it's almost completely white-blond, with just a hint of red:

Up until last week, he had a lovely little baby mullet going on, and clown-like wings on each side.  I was planning to wait until he was 1 for the first trim, but I just couldn't.  He was looking so forlorn with his random hair growth.

I have the hook up when it comes to haircuts, so the whole family trotted over to my friend's house for haircuts.  Little Dude was a challenge to say the least, but we got 'er done.

It makes me a little sad that he looks just a little more like a little man and a little less like a baby, but he does look much more well-cared-for.

As you can see, he was rather wiggly during the whole experience.

Love this boy.


  1. I've considered making a trip up there just so Kristina can cut my hair. I am realizing that there is no one like her--my hair totally misses her!

    What a big grown up boy he is now!

  2. oh, and that wasn't my mom, it was me dangit.

  3. haha...i spent a full 5 minutes figuring out who in the heck nancy was. i could think of a few nancys...your mom included, but i couldn't think of a nancy who had her hair cut by kristina who moved.

    then i gave up and read your comment. :)
