Baaa! Where has the time gone?!? At this time last year, I was walking around dilated to a 4. Literally, walking at least 2 miles a day. Ah, memories.
- This little guy is a total stinker. I just can't get over how naughty he is. He just does things that the Sunbean never did, such as: climbing out of the highchair while buckled in, standing/kneeling backward in the shopping cart {all while buckled}, throwing kicking and screaming fits, opening cupboard doors, playing in the toilet, eating stuff off the floor....the list goes on. I guess the reality of the situation is that the Sunbean is ridiculously well-behaved.
- He officially has his first word! It's 'uh-oh!'. So adorable. What I love is that the Sunbean also said that one first, and at right around the same time. Nature? Nurture?
- You should see this little man stand. He hasn't taken a step yet, but he stands like a pro, for really long periods of time. This is such an adorable stage.
- We're still nursing about every 2 hours from 6am-6pm. I'm honestly still really enjoying it, so he's free to continue for a few more months.
- In addition to nursing, he's eating as much food as he can possible shove into his chubby little cheeks. Someone up the grocery budget, will ya?
- Sleeping? None here. He goes to sleep around 6, and is up for the day between 6 and 7. Unfortunately, he's up at least twice between then.
- As much as I complain about the sleepless nights, he has such a wonderfully easy personality. He's always happy and is up for anything.
Love this boy.
The first bullet point so describes the differences between Katie and BOTH my boys!!!