Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bob, My New Best Friend

Did I tell you?  My sweet three-year-old learned how to read.

Like, seriously.  She's really good at sounding out the words and she's a rock star with sight words {the, on, at, her, it, a, etc...}.

I'm allowed to brag because I'm momma + reading intervention specialist {in a former life}.

But for real, the BOB books are fantastic.  I'd heard good things, and thought we'd give them a whirl.  It literally took her 20 minutes and she was reading.  She was obviously ready and we'd been laying the groundwork since she was born, but these books were just the boost she needed.

The premise of the series is to give the child a simple book that they can master relatively quickly.  This gives them the confidence they need to move outside their comfort zone to learn new literacy skills.  Each book builds on previously mastered words and introduces one new sight word and one new sound.  Pure genius, I tell you.

We bought these books at the beginning of June, and she's moving really quickly through them.  She's starting recognizing environmental print and even picks words out of books she's 'reading' to the baby.

Maybe it's just the literacy geek in me, but it's just so amazing to watch her learn to read.  I'm looking forward to sharing my love of reading with her.


  1. This is my absolute favorite part of homeschooling...watching them learn to read. We are doing the Bob books too...but with Sam:) Ella is a smartie! Congrats, Momma!

  2. way to go girl! I've never done the bob books, but maybe I should stick them in our curriculum.
