Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Funday Tuesday!

I'm a little behind this week...things with the move are busy taking up my time.  We did manage to get some fun things accomplished last week, though.

We spent every single day last week in the pool.  With the heat index hovering right around 115, it was really the only place to be.  Here are some other things we did.

Some dear friends of ours invited us to watch 'Red, White, and Boom!' on a rooftop downtown.  How cool is that?!?  It was really awesome.  The whole display is set to music, and it was really fantastic.  A good time with good company.

Then, of course, we headed down to the July 4th parade on {duh} the 4th.  We had the bright idea to ride our bikes, which did allow us to completely skip the traffic situation.  But since the temperature was 102 and the bike trailer + kids is about 70 extra pounds....I almost didn't make it home.  Hot doesn't really describe it.  But this ritzy little town put on an impressive parade and we enjoyed ourselves.

And because we love doing ridiculous things in the Africa-style heat, we went camping that weekend.  On Friday, the kids and I met MacGyver's parents at a campground where my kids proceeded to literally roll around in the dirt.  We did have a great time, though, and love to spend time with the grandparents.  Always a treat.

Link up and share the fun times you've had with your littles!

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