Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Visit with Santa

So, here's the story.  I haven't really been talking up Santa much, just because I really don't think the Sunbean is old enough (almost 2.5) to really grasp the concept, and if this is one more year where Santa can get away with being a slacker, then I'm all about it.  I've got some stocking stuffers, but nothing fantastic.

But for the past week or so, she's been dying to see Santa.  Huh?  I still don't understand how she even knows she could 'see Santa'.  I was hoping we'd see a Santa somewhere, but we haven't.  I mentioned it to my parents, and so they're on their way over now.  Yes, we're those crazies who are going to the mall on December 23rd (strike one) to see Santa (strike two).

Well, we're back now, and it went surprisingly well.  I was thrilled to find that it was free if you brought your own camera (which was nicer than the one they were using and I'm more than confident I have better camera skills than their photographer).  The Sunbean was a little timid, but climbed up to have a picture with the old man.  She's been talking about it all day, and says, "Santa is amazing!".  Love that child.

I loved this shot of the Sunbean getting a sneak peek.

This is probably the best shot I got.  I forgot to change my white balance setting to reflect the lighting in the mall, so that stinks, but I love her little face in this one.  Cutie little girl. 
I wish I would have had about 50 of those outfits with me.  I could have made some serious bank.

We followed up with lunch at Chipotle...a fantastic morning!!

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