Unless you've been living under a rock lately, you've seen this image:
I haven't even taken the time to read the article, nor do I even know what it's about, past the blurb on the front.
But what I have done is listen to the chatter and backlash this is creating in the media. I'm kind of a morning-news-show junkie, and they've been all over this one. Mostly, people just seem bothered that there is a three-year-old breastfeeding.
I get it. I totally do. Before having children, the thought of nursing a three-year-old would have made me laugh out loud. It doesn't make me laugh anymore, but I still don't see it as something I'd do.
But that's not really the point here. The point is that breastfeeding is a good, healthy choice for many moms and babies. We know that, all extraneous circumstances aside, it's the best choice for the babe {this is not a forum for debating formula and breast milk}. I've had a fantastic experience nursing both my kids, and can't imagine my journey of motherhood without it.
The idea of 'extended breastfeeding' is really just an aspect of attachment parenting. I'm a huge advocate of attachment parenting, as it has worked wonderfully for my family. I'm fortunate enough to be able to spend my days with my kids, so it just seemed natural to me. I've practiced many facets of attachment parenting, including nursing on demand. I've never set my babes up on a 'feeding' schedule, and that has worked for us.
I totally get that it doesn't work for everyone, and that's okay. We all have our own ideas about what motherhood means. The thing that is just killing me here is how much scrutiny this has created. Parenting is full of gray areas. Mothers have so many choices to make every single day. There are countless 'types' of parents out there, and we choose this.
This? Really? We're going to spend hours debating extended breastfeeding? There are mothers out there who beat their children, mothers who feed their children nothing but junk, mothers who verbally and emotionally abuse their children, mothers who turn a blind eye to sexual abuse, and mothers who ignore their children's needs. There are so many children out there who need a voice, and we're gonna spend our time yapping on about extended breastfeeding?
Can we not just accept the fact that every mother makes different choices? Why are we debating something that is good? One interviewee I saw made an excellent point, though I can't remember his name or his credentials {that's life with two young kids, I tell ya}. He pointed out that while children who practice attachment parenting might have their own issues or transitions to make, these are not the children who grow up to be bullies. These are not the children who grow up to bring guns to school.
So why can't we just grow up and give those children a voice? Three-year-olds who are breastfeeding don't need an advocate; they clearly have one. Let's just get over it, give these mommas a break, and spend our time debating something a little more meaningful.